Ilanit Illouz - Telum (soldats en armes)
Ilanit Illouz – Telum (soldats en armes)
Telum presents a series of gestures linked to military technology and its civilian applications. Ilanit Illouz films a former career soldier simulating a series of gestures linked to the manipulation of objects (grenades, missiles, compass, GPS, digital objects). The video is an extension of the Petra project, in which photos taken of these hands are linked to a set of images of ores photographed at MINES ParisTech’s Musée de Minéralogie, highlighting the link between our inexhaustible need for resources and the predictable exhaustion of those found underground. These series of images were produced through the heliogravure process, the copper plate constituting the final work. Part of the Petra series by photographer and video artist Ilanit Illouz will be presented soon at the CRP/, in the context of the exhibition Flux, une société en mouvement, commissioned by the Cnap.
► Visit Ilanit Illouz’s website