16/May 2018
14h … 16h

Place des Nations
59282 Douchy-les-Mines
For the kid of 10 at 13 years

Free inscription
03 27 43 57 97

Mercredi du CRP/

De la série "Boyzone", Rancheros 2, Désert Wirikuta, Mexique, 2015, Courtesy de la galerie Jousse Entreprise, Paris et de l’artiste. © Clarisse Hahn

Visit + Workshop !

Take advantage of on Wednesday afternoon to discover the exhibition of Clarisse Hahn, which will be followed by a workshop Photocollages, around the theme Jungle and Paradise.

The visit and the workshop are followed by a small snack.

Free on inscription.

16/May 2018
14h … 16h

Place des Nations
59282 Douchy-les-Mines
For the kid of 10 at 13 years

Free inscription
03 27 43 57 97