07/May 2018
From 7th may till 25th may 2018
Collège Bayard
Rue du Stade Bayard
59220 Denain
Rue du Stade Bayard
59220 Denain
Exhibition "Description"

Blériot-Plage, 1984, 20,1 x 30 cm, Artothèque du CRP/ © Jean-Pierre Parmentier
For the third exhibition of the school year, the Bayard middle school of Denain chose the theme of the description. In plastic arts or in musical education, the description of a work is one of the central points given who ensues the analysis. The description of a work is one of the central points given that who ensues the analysis. It is thus an essential element.
As regards the musical education, he will be interesting to draw the parallel between the description of a pictorial work / photography and of a musical work, how to go of a general description to a more detailed, finer description, always with a vocabulary adapted to the discipline.
07/May 2018
From 7th may till 25th may 2018
Collège Bayard
Rue du Stade Bayard
59220 Denain
Rue du Stade Bayard
59220 Denain